Valerie Baron
Valerie Baron works to develop federal policies that make government work for everyone, protect and foster community health, and achieve racial equity. She has more than 15 years of experience in legal advocacy, politics, and policy. Prior to her role on the national policy team, Baron was the director of animal agriculture and a senior attorney on the Food and Health team. Previously, she was of counsel to Friends of the Sea Otter, an attorney with the Environmental Integrity Project, and Democratic staff to the Committee on Energy and Commerce at the House of Representatives. Baron is active in her community and was elected to serve as an advisory neighborhood commissioner, representing approximately 2,000 of her neighbors in Washington, D.C., and serves on the D.C. Water Stakeholder Alliance. She received her bachelor's degree in politics from Oberlin College and a law degree and a master's in environmental studies from the University of Pennsylvania. She is based in NRDC's Washington, D.C., office.
This website provides general information, not legal advice. If you need legal help, please consult a lawyer in your state. Valerie Baron does not hold themself out as a specialist in a particular area of law or law practice.