Annual Reports
2023: Reimagining the Future

Paul Grabowski
Reining in the climate crisis, stemming the loss of biodiversity, protecting public health, and advancing our economy were once viewed as independent challenges. Today, we understand that these intertwined problems must be tackled together. Thankfully, we know the solutions, and they already exist. To make the most of them, NRDC is dedicated to finding new ways of bringing people together—from community leaders to frontline activists to business groups to policymakers—in the fight for a better future. With this collective power, we’re on the road to durable, urgently needed change.
NRDC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, incorporated under the laws of the State of New York in 1970. The top watchdog groups for charitable organizations annually recognize our commitment to transparency and efficiency, with a four-star rating on Charity Navigator and an A- grade on Charity Watch.
Looking for our financial statement and/or 990 form? You can find the most recent ones here. For past financial statements, please contact us at
Past Annual Reports

2022: A Turning Point
At this juncture between what exists and what should be, and backed by supporters like you, NRDC is at its best—defining new perspectives and new pathways to drive the change our planet demands.

2021: Time to Go Big
There’s no going back, but there is a way forward: We must act now and go big.

2020: Emerging Stronger
Despite the challenges of this year—between the pandemic, the long overdue racial reckoning, and the ruins of the last administration—we have continued to fight for a better, safer, and more just world.

2019: In 50 Years
"Every challenge facing the planet has a single solution: brilliant, passionate people. NRDC's been blessed with them for 50 years, and they remain the lifeblood of our movement." —NRDC cofounder John Adams

2018: All In
"Problems become opportunities when the right people come together." —NRDC Trustee Robert Redford

2017: Defend
For every unlawful move the Trump administration makes to put corporate interests ahead of our environment and public health, our tenacious legal team will meet them in court.

2015: A Year of Momentum
NRDC focuses on fundamental issues that represent today's greatest challenges and biggest opportunities.

2014: Build Our Future
This is a pivotal moment in the history of the environmental movement, and the issues that confront us gain urgency with each passing day.

2013: Building A Sustainable Future Today
NRDC always takes on the toughest environmental challenges—and get results.

2012: Sustainability Report
It matters deeply to NRDC that how we pursue sustainability can serve as a model for others to emulate.

2011: Engines of Change
We need the potent combination of joining policy expertise and citizen support as we are witnessing the most coordinated attack on the environment in four decades.

2010: Safeguarding the Earth
This year, we updated our strategic plan, identifying the six issues we will focus on that will allow us to build toward our long-term aim of creating a cleaner, more sustainable future.
NRDC in Action

Alaska’s Tongass National Forest Gets the Protections It Deserves

Crushing Alaska’s Pebble Mine

A 22-Year Court Battle Ends with Justice for the Penobscot River

Mount Vernon: Where Environmental Injustice Became a Sewage Nightmare

America’s Gray Wolves Get Another Chance at Real Recovery

The Chlorpyrifos Ban Is a Win for Science—and Children

A Whale of a Win

Saving the Breeding Grounds of the Pacific Gray Whale

Getting the Lead Out of Gasoline Around the Globe

The Dirt on Antibacterial Soaps